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Fri, 20 Sep 19  
  1. TCT- After taking the online risk management course, members will need to take a 4-hour TCT within 12 months, and once every year (within 13 months) thereafter. The 4-hour TCT requirement will be mandated starting 2020. More info at:
  2. D-Train will be moved to March 20-22nd 2020. D-Train will be in Ventura. DSO-MT has requested member input on workshops for what training would be most meaningful for members. Please respond through FCs.
  3. Test Sea Scout units have been working out and seems likely to be rolled out nation wide. There will be a training requirement for all involved with the Sea Scouts.
  4. The Granada Hills Parade will be December 8th. If you are interested in participating, please contact the FC.
  5. The Valley Emergency Preparedness Fair is October 12th. If you would like to participate, please contact the FC.
  6. There is a division wide Nav. Rules class being contemplated. The class will be all day and will be coordinated with a QE so the Nav. Rules 70 or 95 may be taken soon after.
  7. Flotilla 04-09 will be having a VSC/VE Blitz at Castaic upper lake this Saturday, Sept. 21st. Please contact Craig Owens, Ralph Casale, or Rick Vogel from 04-09.
  8. Cast 4 Kids will be held on the 1st Saturday in October, 6th at Castaic Lake.